28 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

I'm gonna see over 60 of you tomorrow?!?!

I just saw an update on the attendees for tomorrow's NIH PD workshop. 60+ people!  I'm super psyched. Sorry the blog has been slow lately. I started a new role recently for my day job and I've been putting all of my free time into new content for the workshop. There are people flying in from far away to attend!!!!?!?!  I don't want anyone to be disappointed.
Thank you PRIDE Repository and to you guys who put tons of cool experiments in there!

And to everyone who can't make it, I can't make promises yet, but I think at least some of the material should be accessible to you later. I'm working on it! Can not wait to get back to Maryland today!!!

EDIT: 10/29/15  So...I found out the hard way (after lugging a tripod and good camera into the NIH and through 3 security checkpoints..) that all video recording on NIH campuses is done by an organized and unionized group that considers any attempt to record on campus as a threat to their livelihood. However, for the price of a good used car, they will record a workshop for you.   We will have some slides to share, though!

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