14 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

Panorama AutoQC?

I love webinars! In order of importance, this is what the internet has given my life:

1) Elvis Pugsley

(proof that I'm not the weirdest person in the world? or maybe just hilarious!!!)

2) Webinars! The ability to learn from lectures from wherever I happen to be. Now, webinars come in different levels of quality and topic interest but when I get and email from the MacCoss lab about a webinar I'm going to check it out.

And if it is on something I've never heard of (Panorama?) and it talks about how I can "AutoQC" my instruments (y'all might have realized I'm kind of a dork for quality control!) then I'm gonna sign up for it.

You can do the same at this link.  Its next Tuesday (10/20/15) and starts at 11am Eastern.

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