If you are going to beautiful Vancouver for International HUPO, you might want to pop by the Proteome Discoverer workshop where you'll get to see the introduction of this guy!
Wait? What? We just started using PD 2.0...are you crazy? Yes, but that's beside the point. PD 2.1 is a follow-up package that looks just like PD 2.0 but better. There were features and improvements that were recommended by all you users out there that just couldn't make the 2.0 cut. Its so good that I pretty much just use PD 2.1 for everything.
Here are the details!! This is meant to be interactive, not "DEATH BY POWERPOINT". Bring questions, data, whatever. This is great software and we want you to walk out of there with the ability to generate better data!
Here are the details I have right now. I'll add more info as I get it.
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