27 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi

Another amazing Boston trip!

Yesterday, I somehow suckered around 80 people into spending about a whole day in a big room talking with me about Proteome Discoverer 2.0.  We ran through a lot of different processing ideas and scenarios and I got a ton of feedback to pass on to the Proteome Discoverer team (which I should probably be doing right now rather than blogging this...oh well...it WILL be passed on shortly)

Today was more fun of popping in to see a bunch of different labs and talk about different processing needs and how we can address them with Proteome Discoverer.  Now I've got several cool puzzles to work on (man, everybody is doing something cool in this town!!!).  Anyway, no real news here, just a shout out to the great people of Boston/Cambridge for their time and energy in making this (from my standpoint) a fantastically (that's a word?) productive trip!

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